

Wall of Love – Le mur des je t’aime

17 de November de 2015 — by Carol Pio Pedro0


The dramatic images from last Friday, when Paris was attacked by terrorists, have been stuck in our heads since then.  During those hours of terror we all felt powerless, afraid and brokenhearted. But as the days go by, the way that French people are facing it is admirable and inspiring: they won´t let their lives be influenced by terrorists and are bringing joie de vivre back.

At a time that walls are built as boundaries and used to segregate people, a particular wall especially proposes reconciliation and union among people in the simplest way – and yet the most difficult – love. The work “Le mur des je t’aime” by artist Frédéric Baron and calligrapher Claire Kito is permanently exposed in the hidden little square Jehan Rictus, Place des Abbesses, Montmartre.

Le mur des je t'aime
Le mur des je t’aime

“The wall of love” was built on an area of ​​40 square meters, consisting of 612 tiles on which the phrase “I love you” is featured 311 times in 250 languages ​​and dialects. The red splashes of color symbolize pieces of broken hearts, that the wall intends to gather. A work dated from 2000. Fifteen years have passed and this issue is more important than ever.

  • Where: Montmartre, Place des Abbesses, Square Jehan Rictus
  • Metro: Abbesses station (line 12)
  • How much: free admission

